When running a search for a particular seller of buyer in FreedomSoft, it's often times valuable to be able to view and then search every seller record or every buyer record at the same time.
To accomplish this, navigate to the My Lists page which is found in the Leads tab.
From the My Lists page, hover over the All Records tab and then click on All Sellers or All Buyers to view the record type of your choice.
Once you have clicked on either the All Sellers or All Buyers page, take note of the numbers you see for the Inbox and for All as pictured below.
You can see the Inbox has 7,519 records but All shows 7,578.
To search every seller record in the account, first click All and then run the search. If you search the Inbox, per the image below, you'd only be searching 7,519 of 7,578 records.
Note that whichever record type has the green star selected will be the default record type shown when you click on the All Records tab.
To learn more about running advanced searches in FreedomSoft, click HERE.