Have you ever looked at a City or County in the US and wondered, "where are the active investors buying and selling their deals?" With Zip Finder, you can search where the investor activity is taking place anywhere in the country.
Using Zip Finder
Step 1 - Click on Zip Finder which is located in the Tools tab.
Step 2 - Select Houses or Land based on which type you are interested in.
Step 3 - Select the State and then the MSA, County, or City that you wish to search.
Step 4 - Set the time frame you want to see the data for and then hit search.
Within seconds, you will start to see exactly where the investor activity is in the geographical area that you chose.
Zip Finder will rank the zip codes from Most Investor Activity to Least Investor Activity.
The map gives you a visual perspective as to where the activity is and then the list on the list on the right side of the screen shows each zip along with the number of transactions over the time frame that you chose to search.
Step 5 - Select the zip codes, up to 10 at a time, where you are interested in building your list.
Once the zip codes have been selected, you can then click either of the blue buttons to open up Lead Finder and proceed with building a Buyers or Sellers list in the selected zip codes.
The power in using Zip Finder along with Lead Finder is that you can both geographically and motivationally target buyer and seller lists.
To learn more about the Lead Finder tool, click HERE.