The Lead Finder tool in FreedomSoft allows you to search for both property data and land data.
To specifically search for land data in FreedomSoft, follow the steps below.
To build a list of potential land Sellers, follow the steps below.
First you'll want to open up the Lead Finder tool which is found in the Tools tab.
Make sure "Sellers" and "Land" are selected, then click the next step arrow.
Set geography on the next step by selecting State first and then you'll either enter a city or zip codes OR select a county in that state.
Note that if you enter zip codes you can enter up to 10 with just a comma in between.
(Ex: 91206,91207,91208,etc...)
Click the next step arrow when finished.
Next you'll make a selection to see All Land, Residential only or Multi-Family only and then click the blue check mark icon to run the search.
Your search result will show up on a map like you see below with the results listed 250 per page.
To now create a list in your FreedomSoft account, select the number of records you'd like and click the blue "Add to Lead List" button.
The first time you create a new land list for sellers, you'll have the ability to set up Reference Numbers where you can pick the prefix and starting number.
These reference numbers will be placed into a field called "Reference ID" in your account and can then be used in your marketing efforts.
(To learn more about the MailNow direct mailing system in FreedomSoft, click HERE.)
To change or to further refine your search, click Return to Search in the gray tool bar.
You can click Show Advanced Search to open up additional filters.
You can now fine tune your search using the sections outlined below of Land Status, Ownership Type, Financial Filters, Land Type and the Land Filters section at the bottom which allows you to dial in acreage.
Once your search criteria have been updated, click the blue check mark icon to re-run the search.
Make note that you can remove duplicates with a single click here in the Advanced Search.
To build a list of potential land Buyers, follow the steps below.
Open up the Lead Finder tool from the Tools tab.
Select Land along with Buyer Leads and then click the next step arrow.
Set your geography where you'll pick a state and then enter a city or zip codes or pick a county in that state. Click the next step arrow once complete.
On the screen pictured below, you have the option to select Active Buyer or bypass this filter and click the blue check mark icon to run the search.
If you do not click on Active Buyer, the search will pull all land buyers within your selected geography.
If you do click Active Buyer, the search will be filtered to land buyers within the last 6 months in your selected geography.
The results screen will again be posted onto the map where you can then select the results of the search to create the land buyers list.
To learn more about creating Lists, Campaigns and Workspaces in FreedomSoft, click HERE.