FreedomSoft's Direct Mail system operates based on credits to make the consistent delivery of direct mail easier for you to manage.
For all Direct Mail Basic users, 1 US Dollar purchases 100 Direct Mail credits.
For Mail Now Premium and Mail Now Enterprise users, you will have the ability to purchase credits at a volume discounted price. Please refer to the pricing table below.
For example, say a Mail Now Premium user wants to purchase $1,000 dollars in direct mail credits. This user would send 4X6 postcards out at a rate of $.70 cents each.
One important item to note is that the Direct Mail system in FreedomSoft has no minimum sending requirements which is very different from a traditional mail house where minimum orders are often times 250 or 500 pieces of mail.
The FreedomSoft system is completely flexible to where you can target both large and small lists at any time.
It's also important to note that credits can be purchased in line with sending direct mail OR credits can be purchased ahead of time and then used at your own pace. Both methods work.
You'll also have the ability to fully automate your Direct Mail credits using the built in Recharge feature. Click here to learn how to toggle on Auto Recharge.
How to Purchase Direct Mail Credits:
1. From the Settings page in your account, click “Mail Sequences” on the left side of the screen and then click the blue "Purchase Credits" button.
2. Next, enter the number of credits you wish to purchase.
3. Make sure to check or uncheck whether these new credits can be used to send past mailings that failed due to a lack of credits. If you have mail pieces that failed to send in the past due to not having credits, checking this box will apply the newly purchased credits to those mailers first.