If you are a wholesaler or if you have property of your own that you are looking to sell, this tutorial will show you how to list those properties on your FreedomSoft website.
First we'll assume that you already have a FreedomSoft website in place. If you do not, CLICK HERE to get one set up.
Once your website is in place, click the little pencil icon for the website that you want to add a property listing to from the Websites page in Settings.
Click Property Listings on the left side of the screen.
Then click the blue Add Listing Group button in the upper, right portion of the screen.
On this screen, you'll click the blue + sign button to create your listing group. A typical name would be something like Phoenix Wholesale Listings but you can name the group however you want.
- Add in the title for the group.
- Select the listing type from the drop down menu.
- Click the blue button to create the group.
Now that the group has been created, you are ready to add a listing to this listing group. To do that, click the + icon and then search for the propriety address.
NOTE - the lead record MUST be in your Properties tab in FreedomSoft in order for the search to find it.
If you need to move the lead record to the Properties tab, there are two ways to accomplish that.
1. Save the status of UNDER CONTRACT to the lead record. When you do this, FreedomSoft will ask if you want to convert the lead record to a property and you'll click the Convert To Property button.
2. Click the 3 dots icon from within the lead record and then click Convert To Property.
Now that the lead record is in the Properties tab, you can proceed to add it to the listing group as was explained above.
Once you have searched for and added the property to the group, you'll then fill in this pop up window adding the Listing Title, Status and Description.
Once those items have been filled out, click Continue to Photos at the bottom of the pop up.
The images you see come straight from the Photos page in the lead record.
The photos can be reordered simply by clicking and dragging them around.
Note that only the pictures with the blue border around them will display on your website. You can turn the blue border on and off simply by clicking the image.
Once your photos are in order, click the blue Create Listing button and the listing will be fully added to your listing group that you created.
There is 1 more step and that is to now add the listing group to your web page.
Click Pages on the left side of the screen and then click the Property Listings page.
Click where it says "Please select the listing group you wish to use" and then select the listing group from the drop down on the left side of the screen.
That's it...your property listings are now set up.
NOW, to edit your listings, go back to the Property Listings page for your website, click into the Listing Group and you can then make edits to your listings. When these edits are made, your web page will automatically be updated because the page simply reflects the listing group.
Be sure to always click Save after making changes.