Adding numbers to your internal Do Not Call list will prevent any user in your FreedomSoft account from calling or sending an SMS/text message to the number.
There are 2 ways to add numbers to your internal DNC list.
Option 1
When viewing a record in FreedomSoft, you can click the Do Not Call icon to add that particular number to your internal DNC list.
The number will now be highlighted in red on the Lead Details page.
Option 2
You can also add numbers to the DNC list by navigating to the Phone page in Settings.
Hover over your name in the top section of any screen when logged in.
Click on Settings and then click Phone on the left side of the screen.
Click the "Do Not Call" tab in the middle of the screen.
- Here you can add any number to the DNC list by clicking the blue + icon pictured below.
- Enter the number in the field pictured below and click the blue Add to Do Not Call List button.
You also have options to both export your FreedomSoft DNC list as well import a DNC list from another system by clicking on the options in green pictured below.
One of the most common questions asked is if numbers on the FreedomSoft Do Not Call list can be removed and the answer is Yes, as long as you or someone on your team in FreedomSoft added them.
Simple click the X icon next to the number and it will be removed from the DNC list.
If you receive a text message with the word STOP, the connection with that number will be broken
For numbers that you and/or your team members have added to the FreedomSoft Do Not Call list, simply click the X pictured below to remove them.
As mentioned, when you or someone on your team add a number to the DNC list in FreedomSoft, you will also have the ability to remove it.
But this is not the case if/when someone sends the word STOP to one of your FreedomSoft number via SMS/text message. When this happens, the connection between the two numbers is broken at the phone carrier level and the only way to have it restored is for that same person to text the word START.